HEDNO’s announcement, as Non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator for opening the Market related to Crete’s electricity system, in the framework of the Non-Interconnected Islands Code (GG 304/Β/11.02.2014) 
                                                                                                                                                3 June 2016

In continuation of the issuance of RAE’s Decisions, No. 46/2016 and No. 47/2016, approving the necessary methodologies for the operation of the Market in Non-Interconnected Islands, from 26/4/2016 and 22/4/2016 respectively, HEDNO as Non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator, would like to inform the Load Representatives interested in participating in the Non-Interconnected Islands Market that the Market related to Crete’s Electricity System is initiated on 21.06.2016 according to the following:

Given the existence of the Contract for Participation of a Load Representative, as Supplier in the non-Interconnected Islands, the procedure of its activation as well as the initiation of activities for the mentioned Load Representative in Crete’s electricity system as follows:

1. Submission of Application for registration of the new Load Representative to the Non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator (Islands Network Operation Department - 98-100, Syggrou Ave, Athens 117 41), signed by the legal representative of the applicant for its registration in the Load Representatives Registry of the Non-Interconnected Islands, accompanied by the complete file including:

1.1. All documents for the registration in the Load Representatives Registry, according to Article 23, paragraph 3 of the non-Interconnected Islands Code (accompanying documents).

1.2. Initial Statement of Registered Meters Representation based on the Registry kept by the non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator for Crete’s Electricity System with the data of each Supply (Number of Supply with 9 digits in txt format and additionally in excel file the Supply No./ customer’s name/ connection voltage/ Regional Unit).
Said statement will be electronically submitted to: a.alexandrakis@deddie.gr  or a.tsompou@deddie.gr .

2. Non-Interconnected Islands Operator conducts an inspection on the completion of the file and informs the New Load Representative whether there are data that should be filled in or/and corrected.
The submission date of the most recent document concluding the completeness of the file by the Load Representative to the Non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator is taken as the file’s completeness date.

3. Within three (3) working days from the file’s completion, the Non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator informs the New Load Representative on the amount of Guarantees. The Load Representative should pay the Amount of Guarantees, calculated pursuant to the Initial Statement of Registered Meters Representation in the file.
Based on the Non-Interconnected Islands Code, the Load Representative in order to pay the amount of Guarantees can submit to the Islands Operation Department (98-100, Syggrou Ave Athens 117 41) either a letter of guarantee (according to the attached Model) or copies of the Bank’s deposit slip showing that the relevant amount has been deposited to the guarantees account of the Non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator.
The letter of guarantee should be accompanied by a Certificate of the issuing Bank addressed to the Islands Operation Department to verify its authenticity.

4. At this stage, the payment of the Fixed Financial Coverage Cost (Article 16 of the Non-Interconnected Islands Code) is not activated until the relevant process is enacted.

5. Within five (5) days from the submission of the letter of guarantee or the deposit of the relevant amount at the Guarantees Account kept by the non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator, the non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator proceeds to the registration of the Load Representative in the “Load Representatives Registry” and issues the Registration Certificate concerning the Activation of its Contract for Participation and the initiation of its activities in Crete’s electricity system, according to the Initial Statement of Registered Meters Representation of the New Load Representative.
At the same time, the non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator provides the New Load Representative with the Access Codes to the existing IT System “THALES”, if the New Load Representative does not already have Access Codes to this System from possible prior activities in the Energy Market.
The access right of the New Load Representative, through “THALES” System, for registration of the Statement of Registered Meters Representation is provided only for Crete’s electricity system.

6. After the conclusion of the above procedure, the New Load Representative registers in the “THALES” System the Meters that will be represented in Crete’s electricity system in accordance with its Initial Statement and it is now considered as Load Representative with Activated Contract for Participation in the non-Interconnected Islands.