14 December 2016

Provisions in L.4414/2016 and below mentioned ministerial decisions issued:

• ΑΠΕΗΛ/Α/Φ1/οικ.187702/12.12.2016 (RES power supply/Our Ref. 187702/12.12.2016): "Type and contents of operating aid contracts for the reinforcement of the establishment of fixed value for dispatchable solar thermal stations on the Network of Non-Interconnected Islands under para. 3 of Article 10 in L.4414/2016"
• ΑΠΕΗΛ/Α/Φ1/οικ.187703/12.12.2016 (RES power supply/Our Ref. 187703/12.12.2016): "Type and contents of operating aid contracts for the reinforcement of the establishment of fixed value for dispatchable biomass plants on the Network of Non-Interconnected Islands under para. 3 of article 10 in L.4414/2016"
• ΑΠΕΗΛ/Α/Φ1/οικ.187703/12.12.2016 (RES power supply/Our Ref. 187703/12.12.2016): "Type and contents of operating aid contracts for the reinforcement of the establishment of fixed value for non-dispatchable RES stations on the Network of Non-Interconnected Islands not subject to rules for integration and operation of para. 3 of article 10 in L.4414/2016"
• ΑΠΕΗΛ/Α/Φ1/οικ.187705/12.12.2016 (RES power supply/Our Ref. 187705/12.12.2016): "Type and contents of operating aid contracts for the reinforcement of the establishment of fixed value for non-dispatchable RES stations on the Network of Non-Interconnected Islands subject to rules for integration and operation of para. 3 of Article 10 in L.4414/2016"
• ΑΠΕΗΛ/Α/Φ1/οικ.187480 (ΦΕΚ/Β/3955/09.12.2016) [RES power supply/Our Ref. 187480 (FEK (GG) /3955/09.12.2016): "Methodologies used to calculate the special market price applicable to renewable energy sources technologies and high-efficiency combined heat and power (CHP); criteria and limitations on the granting of increment for developing preparedness to participate in the market and related granting procedure, as well as procedure of amortization of operating aid applied to stations where investments have been implemented under Articles 3, 5 and 6 in L.4414/2016",

lay down the required documents (also in accordance with the Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy 2014-2020 of the European Commission); these documents must be submitted to HEDNO, the NII Operator, by RES Generator Owners on NIIs that meet the conditions set in the existing laws in order for them to enter into an operating aid contract for the reinforcement of the establishment of fixed value (SEST).

Those interested should submit said documents to the HEDNO competent department (Islands Network Operation Department), at 98-100, Syggrou Avenue, P.C. 117 41, Athens tel. 2109090438-2109090436), which, upon verifying completeness thereof shall take the steps necessary for the signing of the SEST with the Station Owner.

Required documents 

Application – Declaration on honour (per Instructions for filling out the Form)

Annex Ι – Supporting documents