04 April 2023

HEDNO Announcement on the application of the provisions of Law 5037/2023 (GG 78/Α/28.03.2023)

HEDNO would like to inform all interested parties that in accordance with the provisions of Article 154 of Law 5037/2023 “Renewal of PV stations as part of the application of net metering”, the Final Connection Offers for stations under Article 14 of Law 3468/2006 (Α’ 129), whose term expired on 30 August 2022 and up to the effective date herein, can be renewed and extended from the effective date herein and for the period of time which is specified in paragraph 4 of Article 35 of Law 4951/2022 (Α’ 129), provided that there is available electric space and that the interested party, within one (1) month from the effective date herein pays the Electric Space Installation and Withholding Extension Fee and declares to HEDNO their intention to implement their station by also submitting a proof of payment for the above fee. If there is no available electric space, HEDNO will inform the Renewable Energy Sources and Guarantees of Origin Operator and the fee will be returned. If, for the implementation of the project, a tendering process is required, the extension period under the first passage will be extended by eighteen (18) months.