Announcement in compliance with Ministerial Decision ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΑΠΕΕΚ/104605/4389 (Government Gazette 5342/Β/17.10.2022) for PV stations


The competent Operators (HEDNO S.A. and IPTO S.A.), in compliance with Article 3 of Ministerial Decision ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΑΠΕΕΚ/104605/4389 (Government Gazette Β’ 5342/17.10.2022), regarding the determination of the maximum total power limit for photovoltaic stations on agricultural land within which the installation of a ≤ 1MW PV station in high-productivity agricultural land in MW per Regional Unit is allowed, cooperate with each other to collect all the necessary data to carry out the control for not exceeding the maximum total power limit for PV stations in agricultural land, and publish these data on their websites.

In this context, they have jointly shared Table with the remaining power limits for ≤ 1MW PV stations in high-productivity agricultural land per Regional Unit.

Additionally, interested parties are informed that in the Regional Units where the maximum total power limit for PV stations on agricultural land has been reached, the Operators will proceed as follows:

  • They shall cease to consider new applications for Final Connection Offers for the installation of PV power plants with an installed capacity ≤ 1MW in high-productivity agricultural land in the areas concerned.
  • They shall reject pending applications for Final Connection Offers for the installation of PV plants with an installed capacity of ≤ 1MW in high-productivity agricultural land in the areas in question as well as the applications for which a Connection Failure has been granted and an interest has been expressed in keeping the application open for a Final Offer of Connection.
  • For joint exempted station applications of Article 14 of Law 4951/2022, the application shall be rejected for any portions related to plants intended for installation on high-productivity agricultural land. The competent Operator shall inform the applicant that the request is to examined for its remaining part only. Requests submitted to the System Operator will be considered only if the total power of the request, combined with the remaining plants, exceeds 8 MW.
  • They shall continue to examine pending or new joint applications or individual applications relating to these Regional Units, provided that the plants included in these applications are located on land/parcels of land that are not classified as high-productivity agricultural land or are exempted by law from the relevant establishment restrictions.

 Otherwise, the provisions of Ministerial Decision ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΑΠΕΕΚ/104605/4389 (Government Gazette Β' 5342/17.10.2022) shall apply.