We are now accepting applications from PV self-producers for connection to the virtual net-metering system
Friday, July 7th 2017
In order to implement the provisions outlined in Ministerial Decision AΠΕΗΛ/Α/Φ1/οικ. 175067 (ΦΕΚ Β΄1547/5.5.2017) regarding the installation of virtual net-metering PV facilities, HEDNO announces to all interested parties that applications will be accepted beginning 14.07.2017.
Applications regarding facilities that will be connecting to the low voltage grid will be submitted to HEDNO's competent local units (Areas). Applications regarding facilities that will be connecting to the medium voltage grid will be submitted to HEDNO's Regional Departments (Regions), for Interconnected Network applications (mainland Greece and interconnected islands). For Non-Interconnected Islands, all applications shall be submitted to HEDNO Areas together with all completed application forms and necessary documentation and details.
Application forms and information material have been uploaded on HEDNO’s website (Information Sheet, Frequently Asked Questions-Answers, Solemn Declaration Templates etc.)