HEDNO Announcement on the processing of Requests for individual storage stations
As per Article 41 of Law 5151/2024, based on which Article 11D “Introducing the placement of electricity storage stations” was added on Law 4685/2020, THE Network Operator informs all interested parties that applications for connection to individual electricity storage stations for the Interconnected Network have opened.
Connection requests can be made on the online platform where users can log invia the via the General Secretariat of Information Systems using their TAXISnet passwords.
Applications will be reviewed when the Ministerial Decision specified in para. 2 of the above article 11D is issued. This Decision will specify the criteria, the conditions and the technical specifications in full detail. In this context, interested parties may be asked to submit additional documentation. Please note that request submissions are currently not treated as priority tickets for receiving a Final Connection Offer.
Moreover, as per paragraph 6 of the above Article 11D, HEDNO will review requests for granting Final Connection Offers for the installation of individual electricity storage stations by applying the injection limitations described in Article 4 of Ministerial Decision ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΑΠΕΕΚ/53563/1556/15.05.2023 for the storage stations connected to the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System Development Program (ESMIE), until the amendment of this decision regarding the injection limitations applied to storage stations connected to HEDN.
Connection requests must include a) the respective Documentation, b) the letter of guarantee and c) Annex III, regarding the technical specifications for the equipment required for the storage station, according to the files provided in the links below: