The Corporate Social Responsibility Section of the Executive Office, motivated by the continuous stimuli received not only by the direct family environment but also by the wider social environment of our country deriving from the problems related to the uncontrolled use of the Internet, has organized on Wednesday 13th of March 2013 a discussion with the subject “Teenagers’ dependence on Internet and the consequences in their behavior by its misuse”.


In the event, Mrs. Vasiliki Dimitrakopoulou, Psychologist, Scientific cooperator of the Teenage Health Unit of the “P. & A. Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital was the main speaker. With her documented and thorough analysis, she provided answers to numerous questions of the participants. The rich audiovisual material that was presented covered many parents’ questions and also created additional ones on how to prevent and deal with the teenagers’ problems. The colleagues-parents have expressed their concern as well as their personal experience on behaviors that they face at home and they received sufficient and practical useful solutions.