As part of its corporate social responsibility practices, HEDNO donated funds to the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Sector of the Hellenic Naval Academy to help with the purchase of the Equation Engineering Software and the coverage of its annual maintenance costs. The software shall be used for the essays and dissertations of the students and their research work.

The Hellenic Naval Academy has been and remains the core educational and training institution for the Officers of the Hellenic Navy. It's a Supreme Military Educational Institution (SMEI), equivalent to Higher Education Universities, and offers University-level academic education and naval training to provide Officers with leader skills, naval ethos and excellent professional training whilst also offering knowledge, research on scientific development and technology.

The Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Sector focuses on the study and initial engineering of warships and their performance in the sea environment. It also focuses on applied thermodynamics issues and machine elements with applications at warships as well as propulsion and warship energy system facilities.

HEDNO has an active role in supporting the country’s scientific and academic community and strives to provide social care.