Participation in European Projects

HEDNO participates in several European projects in the areas of energy and ICT, concerning themes such as smart grid issues, energy management and integration of distributed energy resources in distribution networks.

-Projects funded by the European Commission, under the auspices of the Horizon 2020, -SmarterEMC2, -TILOS, WiseGRID, SHAR-Q, CROSSBOW, ERIGrid, GRIDSOL και iDistributedPV, Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020.

-Rrojects funded by the European Commission, under the auspices of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7),-DREAM, VIMSEN,-IGREENGrid, -SINGULAR, -SMARTKYE, -SUSTAINABLE, for Research and Technological Development for 2007-2013.


CROSSBOW will propose the shared use of resources to foster cross-border management of variable renewable energies and storage units, enabling a higher penetration of clean energies whilst reducing network operational costs and improving economic benefits of RES and storage units.

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Renewable energy sources are key enablers to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and to cope with the anthropogenic global warming. The intermittent behavior of them and their limited storage capabilities present new challenges to power system operators in maintaining power quality and reliability.

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GRIDSOL’s vision is to develop a pioneering power plant configuration with high RES penetration, where the plant would be able to provide ancillary grid services and to be considered a must run unit for the system, hence to be able to provide guaranteed power.

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iDistributedPV´s main aim is to propose the development of integrated solutions to enhance the large penetration of distributed solar PV generation (e.g. households/larger buildings/park areas) in safe mode and according to market criteria.

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Storages are unavoidable components of the future smart grid with large share of variable renewable generation. However, the unit-cost of energy that is retrieved from storages is several times higher than the cost of energy consumed upon its output from RES. Therefore, there is a strong requirement on the optimisation of storage capacities deployed in the grid.

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WisGRID integrates, demonstrates and validates advanced ICT services and systems in the energy distribution grid in order to provide secure, sustainable and flexible smart grids and give more power to the European energy consumer.

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SmarterEMC2 implements ICT tools that support the integration of consumers through Demand Response (DR) services and the integration of DG/RES through Virtual Power Plants.

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The main objective of TILOS will be the development and operation of a prototype battery system based on FIAMM NaNiCl2 batteries, provided with an optimum, real-environment smart grid control system and coping with the challenge of supporting multiple tasks, including:

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The DREAM project will lay the foundations for a novel heterarchical management approach of complex electrical power grids, providing new mechanisms for consumer involvement in economical and ecological electricity use as well as stable and cost effective integration of distributed renewable resources. 

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The subsidy feed in tariff policy, which has recently been adopted for accelerating renewable energy investments, cannot be retained as a sustainable business model for the future smart energy grid.

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IGREENGrid focuses on increasing the hosting capacity for Distributed Renewable Energy Sources (DRES) in power distribution grids without compromising the reliability or jeopardizing the quality of supply. 

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SINGULAR investigates the effects of large-scale integration of renewables and demand-side management on the planning and operation of insular electricity grids, proposing efficient measures, solutions and tools towards the development of a sustainable and smart grid. 

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The SmartKYE project strategic goal is to develop a system for the future smart grid neighborhood that will enable better business decisions to be made based on real-time fine-grained data.

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The SuSTAINABLE project will develop and demonstrate a new operation paradigm, leveraging information from smart meters and short-term localized predictions to manage distribution systems in a more efficient and cost-effective way, enabling a large-scale deployment of variable distributed resources. 

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ENFLATE will propose a collaborative platform of tools enabling consumers for energy services, vaporizing their multi-vector flexibility potential, integrating them with other services, like healthcare for elderly people and mobility. These tools will build upon already validated, deployed and demonstrated solutions in relevant environments, and will promote data-driven scenarios for provisioning of flexibility services to the electricity grid, foster the end-use sector coupling as new ‘resource’ for flexibility provision, channel these flexibility through pan-European markets, so that to incentivise citizens as active energy market participants, and target to defer grid upgrades by optimally exploiting multi energy pathways.

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OneNet envisions a European Electricity System that operates as a single entity and allows for the seamless, real-time integration of each country's actors, creating, at the same time, the proper conditions to ensure the most sufficient and synergistic market-network cooperation, optimizing the overall energy management. A fully scalable, fair and open market is being established, enabling the universal participation of operators, irrespective of their physical location - at every level, from 'small' consumers to 'large' producers.

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OPENTUNITY aims at creating a flexible environment for actors involved in energy systems, increasing interoperability, and encouraging the use of standards to reduce CO2 emissions, by bringing end-users to the forefront. The project will support electricity network operators, consumers, and energy-related actors, through the development of innovative technologies and services, enhancing flexibility on the consumer side, while improving the management of network operations.

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SINNOGENES project aims to develop the storage innovations energy toolkit, a complete framework of methodologies, tools and technologies that will enable the grid integration of innovative storage solutions beyond the state-of-the art, while demonstrating sustainability, technical performance, lifetime, non-dependency on location geographical particularities and cost. It will develop successful energy storage business cases and systems and deploy them in innovative and 'green' energy systems at different scales and timeframes.

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The SYNERGIES project proposes the creation of an intelligent data ecosystem in which all energy actors will participate, in order to promote the exchange of knowledge and the integration of intelligent data management systems, among the different energy actors taking into account data of the energy system and socio-economic characteristics.

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SYNERGY introduces a novel framework in response to the need for “end-to-end” coordination between the electricity stakeholders – not only in business terms but also in exchanging information.

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DATAMITE’s vision is to develop a modular, open-source and multi-domain Framework to improve data monetizing, interoperability, trading, exchange and quality management of data adhering to FAIR principles. The project brings together key actors of the Data Value Chain, such as Data Spaces, technical and business stakeholders, multiple key communities, experts in Legal and SSH aspects and facilitators on open-source community building and standardisation activities.

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ALFION project aims to study the usage of electric energy as alternative fuel for ships using the port, the usage of Battery Module Swapping System  for vessels covering short distances and EVs charging stations, the usage of Battery Energy Storage System in order to store any RES generation of the port for electric vehicles and vessels charging, the usage of an Energy Management System in order to coordinate, control and monitor all the above subsystems of the port.

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CIPORT Action addresses the Core maritime Port of Piraeus, located on the Orient East-Med Core Network Corridor. It is part of the Global project which aims to transform the Port of Piraeus into a Green Cruise Hub. The Action aims to provide the final studies and engineering designs for the development of on-shore power supply (OPS) technology for four cruise vessels positions at the Themistoklis coast in the core maritime Port of Piraeus

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CENTAVROS project aims to upgrade the port infrastructure, in connecting with the hinterland through alternative means transportation and reducing the environmental footprint of the Port of Volos, optimizing the functionality and provision of services to third parties.

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X-FLEX project proposes, a set of efficient, cost-effective, integrated solutions, that will facilitate the optimum combination of decentralised flexibility assets, both on the generation (DER) side and on the demand side (V2G, power-to-heat/cold/gas, batteries, demand response), enabling all parties, including final prosumers, to offer their flexibility in the market creating benefits to all the actors in the smart grid value chain.

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The EV4EU project aims to develop innovative technologies for the smoother integration of large numbers of Electric Vehicles, using smart and/or two-way charging, into the existing electricity system infrastructure.

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Project PoweR-LIBS is a collaborative effort among HEDNO (the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator) three research organizations (FORTH, Hellenic Mediterranean University and University of Patras) and two companies (Raymetrics, LamadaTech) with the aim to upgrade monitoring procedures over the overhead power line distribution network.

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The project ALTITUDE aims to develop an innovative product that uses Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs - drones) and machine learning algorithms to automatically conduct OHL (Overhead Lines) assessments.

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