Subject: Submission for approval of the Financial Statements for the period of 01.01.2013 – 31.03.2013 in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards.

The Board of Directors approved the Financial Statements of HEDNO S.A. for the period from 01.01.2013 to 31.03.2013, concluded according to the International Financial Reporting Standards.
The Financial Statements in question include:

- Statement of Income
- Statement of Financial Position
- Statement of Comprehensive Income
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Statement of Changes in Equity
- Notes to the Financial Statements that constitute their indispensable part.


Subject: University students’ Training period within the Units of HEDNO S.A.

The Board of Directors approved the training period for University Students in the company, referring to subjects of its interest; the students should be at the 4th year of their studies including the students that are in the stage of Dissertation and Masters. Each year, their number, the Units of interest as well as the selection procedure are defined by the CEO.


Subject: Award for the implementation of the Project: “Construction of interior layout and renovation in the leased premises of the building at 98-100, Syggrou Ave” with the negotiated procedure following the call for tender no ΔΑΔ/130101/7.2.2013.

The Board of Directors approved the award of the Project “Construction of interior layout and renovation in the leased premises of the building at 98 – 100, Syggrou Ave.” to the Joint Venture of ΤΕΚΑΤ ΑΤΕ – Μ.Τ. ΑΤΕ, tenderer of the Negotiations Procedure following the Call for Tender (Call for Tender ΔΑΔ/130101).
