OF THE 11th/26.5.2016 MEETING OF BoDs 

Subject: Submission for approval of payment of the participation costs for the electrification of the LATOMIA-BETON KYDON S.A in twelve (12) monthly installments, notwithstanding the Board Decision no. 105/16.4.2015.

The Board, notwithstanding the Board’s decision 105/16.04.2015, decided to approve the payment of the participation expenses for the electrification of LATOMIA-BETON KYDON S.A. in twelve (12) equal successive monthly installments, plus the amount of interest, as defined in para. 1.5.2 of that Decision by depositing a bank guarantee letter.


Subject: Tender no. 501502/21.5.2015 for the supply of bell insulators and shrouds.
Cancellation of the aforementioned tender

The Board of Directors approved the cancellation of the tender no. 501502/21.5.2015 for the supply of bell insulators and shrouds, of a total budget of € 1.242.048,00, due to unsatisfactory outcome.
