Solidarity Services Tariff
As per Decision Δ5/ΗΛ/Β/Φ.1.21/οικ.23824/23.12.2013 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, as amended by Decision ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΗΕ/23189/264/09.03.2021 Ministry of Environment and Energy, the Solidarity Services Tariff applies to public law legal entities that provide welfare services, church-related charities and especially certified, as per the provisions of article 5 of l. 2646/1998, non-profit private law legal entities, which provide social care services and is provided by all electricity Suppliers.
The Solidarity Services Tariff applies for the total quarterly consumption period (if there is a meter which separately measures night consumption), provided that electricity consumption pertains to covering the needs of the beneficiary for the provision of social care services and up to the corresponding consumption limits that are specified below, regardless of the category of the beneficiary:
- For quarterly consumptions up to 1200 kWh, a 70% discount applies on the price of the current Supplier invoice (declaratory portion) which is issued to the beneficiary.
- For quarterly consumptions between 1201 and 5000 kWh, a 70% of the consumption receives a 70% discount, meaning that from 1201 to 5000 kWh, a total discount of 49% applies on the price of the current Supplier invoice (declaratory portion) which is issued to the beneficiary.
- For quarterly consumptions between 5001 and 10,000 kWh, a 50% of the consumption receives a 70% discount, meaning that from 5001 to 10,000 kWh, a total discount of 35% applies on the price of the current Supplier invoice (declaratory portion) which is issued to the beneficiary.
- For quarterly consumptions from 10.001kWh and above, no discount applies, meaning that the price which applies is the price of the current Supplier invoice (declaratory portion) which is issued to the beneficiary.
Note: If the beneficiary belongs to the tariff category for which invoicing is monthly, the above limits are being applied proportionally.
More specifically, the Solidarity Services Tariff rates are defined as the price of the current Supplier invoice (declaratory portion) which is issued to the beneficiary for invoicing daily energy consumption and up to the limit which is specified above, discounted by the percentages of the consumption units specified above. For the remainder, the current per-beneficiary Supplier tariff applies.
The entry into the Solidarity Services Tariff is associated to one whole calendar year for all quarterly bills that are issued for this year.
Applications can be submitted online on HEDNO’s website.
Applicants for a Solidarity Services Tariff must first submit a trade name declaration.
Applicants for a Solidarity Services Tariff must provide the following minimum details:
- The trade name of the Agency
- The details of the electricity account which is issued to the trade name of the agency and exclusively for properties that receive social care services, per beneficiary category.
The consent for the search, collection, processing and verification of the validity of the details submitted by applicant agencies of all categories is considered to be given when submitting the above-mentioned online application.
Provided that the applicant’s eligibility for entering the Solidarity Services Tariff is verified on the basis of the data kept by the competent per case agency, HEDNO shall notify all applicants and Suppliers.
Depending on each case, approval or rejection notifications are added on the online application of the agency which has been submitted through HEDNO’s website.
HEDNO is keeping a Registry of the agencies which are eligible for the Solidarity Services Tariff (hereinafter the Solidarity Services Registry) to ensure that all details are properly checked and that these checks are automated.
A review of the eligibility criteria for entering the Solidarity Services Tariff is taking place on each October of every year for all beneficiaries.
Provided that this review verifies the eligibility of the agency for entering the invoice for the next calendar year, the beneficiary agency maintains its place in the Solidarity Services Registry and both of them and the electricity Supplier are notified accordingly.
If this review concludes that the eligibility of the agency for entering the invoice for the next calendar year cannot be supported, the agency is notified by HEDNO regarding the reasons of their exclusion from the Solidarity Services Tariff and their removal from the Solidarity Services Registry.
Agencies that have entered the Solidarity Services Registry need not submit an application for the next year.
A new application is required only in the case that the previously submitted details have changed,