
The improvement of the quality of the provided services is a priority for HEDNO. The basic goal is the continuous improvement of the electricity quality indices, along with all relevant indices related to the improvement of its customers’ service. By modernizing the Network, the strategic Projects lead to the upgrading of provided services, whereas the new modern communication ways with the customers (call centers, mobile apps) to the upgrading of their servicing.
In this framework, HEDNO has applied the “Guaranteed Services” program through which guaranteed quality limits are provided for most of its services.
Responsible consumption is also a key axis for the Company's Sustainable Development strategy as the consumers’ safety when using electricity is of major importance. The communication actions of HEDNO to inform all consumers how to avoid accidents when using electricity aim at ensuring “responsible and safe consumption”.
HEDNO supports initiatives and NGOs aiming at fighting poverty, hunger, social exclusion and the prevention in terms of the citizens’ health. Indicatively mentioned is the financial support of “Alma Zois” for actions against breast cancer and the Company’s long corporate action that focuses on its employees collecting food and other basic-need products to support vulnerable groups (i.e. refugees and immigrants).
The company offers employment to university and TEI as well as Technical Schools students, in the framework of their traineeships, passing its staff's huge know-how to young people; it also holds seminars for secondary education students related to energy saving methods; it holds special training seminars and conferences contributing to the quality education of the country.
For its employees, it continues and intensifies the effort to maintain and ensure the appropriate work environment and equal opportunities for development, offering opportunities for “life-long learning” , skill and knowledge development, through corporate training programs and special education programs, ensuring at the same time gender equality both in hiring new employees and career development.
Single-family employees are specially supported. The children of the employees can freely attend the company’s day care centers while at the same time a part or the total amount of the costs for private children's holiday camps is covered.
Finally, health and safety issues constitute a field of high priority, also due to the scope of work of the technical staff, with continuous training to ensure that all safe work rules are adopted.