Exemption from Municipal Charges for properties without not supplied with electricity
Based on Law 4555 (GG133 Α'/19.07.2018, article 222, par.2), property with no electricity is exempted from paying the single contributory cleaning and lighting state fees as of the data of submitting a statement by the owner or the legal representative to the relevant municipality stating that the property is not electrified and shall not be used. Up to the submission of the above statement, the fees are due to be paid per category of property under article 21 of the royal decree 24.9/20.10.1958 (Α΄ 171). If, despite the statement, it is proven that the property is either electrified or used, the debtor is charged with the fee as of the exemption date as well as an equal fine.
Debts from cleaning and lighting fees corresponding to the period up to the entry into force of this announcement, during which the electrification of a property was terminated as confirmed by the competent network operator and said property was not used according to a solemn declaration of the owner or the legal representative, are either deleted or are not confirmed to be paid. If the above solemn declaration has not been submitted up to the entry into force of this announcement, it should be submitted within six (6) months. Amounts that have been paid are not returned.
As part of the upgrading of the services provided to the citizens and Administration operators, HEDNO has implemented and activated an online app for the exchange, updating and certification of property details at Municipalities, to ensure that they provide information on the electricity supply or non-supply for each account, the Supplier who represents each supply and the respective amounts of time. Moreover, the certificates for “Cut-off Areas” will be now issued by the Municipalities without the customer having to visit HEDNO’s offices.
HEDNO shall continue to be responsible for issuing Municipality certificates for areas which have not received readings beyond a ten-year amount of time. In these cases, citizens can call HEDNO’s Call Center at 2111900500 or 11500 24/7.