

 In accordance with article 2 of Joint Ministerial Decision ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΑΠΕΕΚ/48653/1597/29.05.2019 (GG 2172/Β/07.06.2019), the Residential Accounts of Local Communities with RES Stations and Hybrid Stations which were active on 31.12.2023, date of publication of the “Final Table with the Breakdown of Costs from RES stations in one or more Municipal or Local Communities, for years 2021-2022” are eligible for the return of the Special 1% RES Fee.


As per the provisions of article 4 para. 8 of the above Ministerial Decision, HEDNO S.A. has published the table with the Account Numbers of all eligible residential consumers per Community and first grade local authority, who, according to the details kept at HEDNO’s systems, fulfill all criteria of article 2.


Eligible residential consumers whose active accounts are not included in this table, are eligible for submitting to the competent first grade local authority an application for issuing a certificate which will confirm that their active account is located within the limits of the Community whose residential consumers are eligible for the refund/return of the 1% RES Special Fee. Applications by the first grade local authorities shall be submitted within one (1) month from the publication of the table on the website of HEDNO SA.


Please note that at the final publication of eligible accounts, and after all confirmation notes by the competent 1st Grade Local Authorities have been received and processed, HEDNO S.A. shall update the table of eligible residential consumers by excluding at this stage all accounts for which the amount calculated is less that one cent (< 0.01 €). In these cases and according to article 4 para. 8 of the Ministerial Decision, the amounts are not paid and are instead transferred to the next breakdown.

Click here to enter the application and search for eligible Account Numbers.


Note: For information on individual Eligible Accounts, please enter the 8 digits as follows:




Relevant legislation:

  • Joint Ministerial Decision no. ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΑΠΕΕΚ/48653/1597 (GG Β 2172/07.06.2019)
  • Joint Ministerial Decision no. ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΑΠΕΕΚ/137804/3493 (GG Β 7569/31.12.2023)