Resetting is the modification of the protection configurations at operating RES power plants.

Resetting results in lessening the existing protection configurations. This will reduce the frequency of disconnection of power production units from the grid and will allow for further support of the power system in certain disturbances.

For producers and self-consumers, fewer disconnections means more income and less stress on their equipment caused by disconnection and reconnection.

Resetting is mandatory under article 123 of Law 5106/2024.  The law provides for a three-month deadline until compliance. This three-month period starts on 15.05.2024, which is the date you received the letter. If you fail to comply within the deadline or if you comply but fail to demonstrate your compliance by submitting the required documents and data, HEDNO will disconnect the station from the Network.

Finally, if after a spot check, it is established that you have falsely declared compliance, in addition to disconnection, the owner and engineer will face the consequences of the False/Inaccurate Solemn Declaration.

If you did not receive the letter, it is likely that you may not be required to reset. However, it is possible that you did not receive the letter either because your contact details were not in the database held by HEDNO, or because these were not correctly entered, or because the letter ended up in your junk mail folder.

To find out if you are required to reset, please log into the RES platform and select "Manage Applications". Then select the station's S/N. The option “Reset Protection Configurations" is displayed only for production stations that are obliged to reset.

Readjustment concerns PV and wind power plants of producers in Medium Voltage and self-consuming PV plants with net metering and virtual net metering with a capacity of more than 100 kW, connected to the Interconnected Network until 14.05.2024, excluding stations with a capacity of more than 1 MW connected after 17.05.2018.

For stations over 1 MW which were activated after 17.05.2018, and stations in the Non-Interconnected Islands, more specific requirements will apply.

Resetting voltage and frequency protection is mandatory under article 123 of Law 5106/2024. Failure to reset protection will result in the disconnection of your station to the grid, as it endangers the stability of the electricity system.

Failure to reset protection configurations constitutes a reason to disconnect your station from the Network, since this endangers the stability of the electricity system, as defined in Article 54 of the HEDN Operation Code (GG Β’ 78/20.1.2017).

Article 123 of Law 5106/2024 (GG Α’ 63/1.5.2024) specifies a deadline of three (3) months starting on 15.05.2024, which is the date of publication of the technical specifications and requirements relating to article 123 of Law 5106/2024 by the Network Operator, i.e. until 14.08.2024, for your compliance with this requirement, highlighting that in the same abovementioned article 123 of Law 5106/2024 it is expressly foreseen that failure to comply with the requirements of this provision within the deadline, will result in the competent Operator, in this case HEDNO S.A. as the operator of the HEDN, to de-activate the connection of the station to the Network, due to elusive fault of the producer.

Law 5106/2024 provides for a three-month deadline for resetting without the possibility of extension. The three-month period is sufficient. It is also in the producer's interest to carry out the resetting as soon as possible. Moreover, in view of the summer season, when high production is expected at PV stations, immediate resetting means fewer disconnections and therefore more revenue. 

If the submission of the technical data sheets of the equipment demonstrates that, according to the manufacturer, the equipment cannot operate safely within the limits specified by the Operator, then the connection of producers or self-consumers will not be interrupted.