The previous operator of the station is shown on the RES platform as the relevant Connection Agreement has not been amended.

You will therefore need to submit the legal details of the new operator and the site of the station, documents that were also required for the amendment of the Operational Enhancement Agreement with RESGOO and the Supply Agreement with the Supplier.

To change the operator of a station, the new operator enters the RES Application with their details and by clicking letter “i” (=info) under "Manage connection applications", and "Change of station operator by changing the TIN number". They must then enter the RES A/N for which they wish to submit details.  

When the station operator change is complete, the platform will be available for submission of documents and data demonstrating compliance with the resetting requirement.

Legal documents of the applicant organization

With regard to the applicant's legal documents, the following are required:

For companies (Société Anonyms, Limited Liability Companies, Private Limited Companies, General Partnership Companies, Limited Partnership Companies, Civil Companies or Energy Communities):   

- A copy of a recent Codified Articles of Association published in the G.E.MI.
- G.E.MI General Certificate (corporate changes, non-dissolution, bankruptcy, liquidation, receivership, receivership, receivership proceedings, etc.)                                                                 - Detailed G.E.MI certificate on current representation.

For other legal entities (Legal Entity of Public or Private Law):

- A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association and its amendments or copy of the latest Codified Articles of Association
- Decision on election/constitution of the governing body, board and representation etc.

For natural persons:

- Copy of the identity card

In particular, for those registered in the Register of Farmers and Agricultural Holdings of Law 3874/2010, a certificate of affiliation from the competent body (OPEKEPE) is required.

Legal documents to prove the right to use the site of the station

In the case of exempted stations, the legal documents required to document the right to use the site of the station are as follows:

For private and municipal land:
Confirmation of documentation of legal use by a lawyer, in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of Law 4951/2022 (Government Gazette A' 129/04.07.2022).

For public non-forest land (land owned by the Greek State, the Public Real Estate Company, the Land Services and the Ministry of Rural Development and Food):
Decision of approval by the competent body for the lease or concession of the use of the installation site for the purpose of the implementation and installation of the station by the applicant.

For forest land:
- in the case of public forest land. Approval of intervention

- in the case of private forest land. Confirmation of documentation of legal use by a lawyer in accordance with the provisions of article 18 of Law 4951/2022 (Government Gazette A' 129/04.07.2022).