C-S1 Stakeholder engagement - Discussion of organization's main stakeholders and analysis of key stakeholder engagement practices

Stakeholder groups have resulted through the process of internal consultation, discussions and workshops of the Administration of the Company with the executives. The discussion with the stakeholders is an integral part of the Company’s daily works to ensure that it is aware of the impact arising from its activities and to improve its performance by taking into account the opinion, the considerations, the needs and the recommendations of all parties affected by it and affecting it.
Stekeholders, pages 92 - 97 Sustainability Report 2020
Materiality Analysis, pages 105 & 108 Sustainability Report 2020
Identification of material issues by the stakeholders, pages 108-109 Sustainability Report 2020
Prioritization of material issues, pages 108-109 Sustainability Report 2020


C-S2 Female employees  
Company female employees percentage (%) 25.70% 24.16%


CS-3 Female employees in managerial positions
Percentage of women in managerial positions (%) 37.18%


C-S4 Employee turnover 
Voluntary turnover indicator (%) 7.81%
Involuntary turnover indicator (%) 0.04%

Voluntary turnover reasons:
- Retirement Resignation
- Voluntary Departure
- Movement to PPC S.A.
- Contract Termination due to Permanent Incapacity
- Death

Involuntary turnover reasons:
Dismissal due to unjustified absence


C-S5 Employee training 
Average training hours
(top 10% of employees with the highest earnings)= 
Total number of training hours provided to the top 10% of employees based on total earnings
Total number of employees in the top 10% of employees based on total earnings = 3.20
Average training hours
(bottom 90% of employees with the lowest earnings)=
Total number of training hours provided to the bottom 90% of employees based on total earnings
Total number of employees in the bottom 90% of employees based on total earnings = 4.60

The ranking of employees in the top 10% was based on the total gross earnings from the 2021 cost report.
Including hours of internal-external training and e-learning.
Data refers only to regular staff.


C-S6 Human rights policy

HEDNO S.A. has a Code of Conduct which, in particular in articles 2, 3, 8, 13 and 14 thereof, contains regulations on issues of protection of human rights. To the Legal Services Department’s knowledge, HEDNO does not currently have independent - distinct policies - codes in the field of human rights; the draft HEDNO S.A. Operation Regulation as well as the draft new-reformed HEDNO S.A. Code of Conduct shall contain significant additional provisions in these fields.


CS-7 Collective bargaining agreements
Number of active employees covered by collective bargaining agreements (%) 99%


C-S8 Supplier assessment

As far as it concerns the environmental criteria for the selection and evaluation of suppliers/contractors for network projects include:

  1. ISO 14001 environmental management system certification (alternatively, attestation by the certifying body regarding the start of the certification process),
  2. Compliance with Community environmental legislation and International environmental conventions for the management and handling of hazardous waste, the protection of the ozone layer (Directive 2014/25/EU), any environmental sanctions-fines. Social criteria indicatively include compliance with Social International Conventions regarding the forms of child labour, equal pay, abolition of forced labour, equal opportunities (Directive 2011/36/ EU). 

Suppliers' obligations in the field of social security and labour law is ensured through the terms of the contracts concluded.


A-S1 Sustainable economic activity

Sustainable activities subject to Taxonomy Regulation EU/582/2020

HEDNO’s activities that can be subject to Regulation EU/582/2020 for 2021 are the following:

  • RES generation stations connection works Climate change mitigation, because these stations emit practically zero CO2 emissions.
  • Transformers that were installed in HV/MV Substations to increase the Substation capacity to receive power from RES stations. Climate change mitigation, as above.
  • Installation of SCADA systems. Climate change adaptation, because they allow the faster and more efficient management of extreme situations due to extreme weather events. Climate change mitigation, because they achieve the optimum management of RES stations dispersed production.
  • Laying underground cables for MV and LV overhead networks. Response to climate change because the underground network is significantly more resilient against extreme weather events, in particular heavy snowfalls, storms, strong winds and lightning.
  (thousand EUR) (thousand EUR)
Electricity transport and distribution € 109,527*  € 32,318 

*It is noted that the amount of € 109,527 (thousand) concerns all the invoices issued by the Regions in 2021, as there is no way to obtain information regarding invoices that were issued in 2021 and concern collections in 2021.

Sustainable economic activity - Percentage of sustainable turnover 11.57%
Sustainable economic activity - Percentage of sustainable CapEx 14.61%


A-S2 Employee training expenditure
Total amount of expenditure on employee training (Euros) 921,628.99

The cost was calculated based on the total training hours in 2021 (35,003) and the average hourly total cost for a company employee (26.33 €). Total figures for regular and temporary staff.


A-S3 Gender pay gap
Gender pay gap (%) = 11.47%

Data based on the total gross earnings of employees from the cost report 2021.
Data refers only to regular staff.



CEO - Employee pay ratio

CEO pay ratio=   CEO' s annual total earnings (1) / Median annual total earnings for all Employees (2) =  
With 2021 employer’s contributions 217,483.44 / 46,311.56 = 4.70
Without 2021 employer’s contributions 202,185.24 / 37,638.54 = 5.37

Data based on the total gross earnings of employees from the cost report 2021.
Data refers only to regular staff.


SS-S2  Customer privacy

There are no requests related to this indicator.


SS-S3  Legal requests of user data

According to Data Protection & Information Security Department

  • Total number of unique requests for user information, including requests of data regarding the use content, from government or law enforcement agencies: 4
  • Total number of unique users whose information was requested by government or law enforcement agencies 4
  • Percentage of government and law enforcement requests that resulted in a disclosure to the requesting party, in percentage (%): 50.


SS-S4 Labour law violations

There aren't any financial losses recorded, which were caused as a result of legal proceedings related to labour law violations against HEDNO's employees.


SS-S5 Data security and privacy fines

For the time period from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021, the Data Protection and Information Security Department has not been informed of any fine for data security and privacy violation and to the Legal Services Department knowledge, no fines have been imposed so far on HEDNO S.A. for violating data security and privacy due to a violation of data security and privacy rules enacted by national and international standards.


SS-S6 Health and safety performance
Accident frequency rate = 1.64

*For the number of injuries recorded, the total number of injuries was considered

Accident severity rate = 49.04

*For the number of work days lost due to word-related accident, no fatalities were included

Number of fatalities 1  
Number of fatalities of employed sub-contractors 4 4 deaths in 2 group fatal accidents
Number of injuries 71 55 of those caused absence from work
Number of injured sub-contractors 13  
Total hours of work 8,671,137.17  
Total hours of work of sub-contractors   The Health and Safety Department has no information on the hours of work of sub-contractors
Injuries rate (accident frequency rate) (IR)  1.64 As calculated above
Number of lost work days  2,126  8,126 according to the methodology (each fatal accident is considered to correspond to 6,000 days of absence)

Calculation formula
According to HEDNO’s methodology:
The frequency rate for all accidents is: (Number of accidents x ) / Total hours of exposure to danger =
The severity rate for all accidents is: (Number of days of absence x ) / Total hours of exposure to danger =


SS-S7 Marketing practices

For the information of network users, HEDNO has distributed documentation regarding its services related to the Customer & Fault Reporting Center, the Consumer Safety Guide, the Electricity Theft Regulatory Framework, the Protection of Sensitive Electrical Appliances and the Electrical Safety at Home.


SS-S8 Customer satisfaction
HEDNO's Customer satisfaction survey ID for the year 2021 is the following:  
Survey conducting body:

Strategy, Operational Planning & Transformation Department-SOPTD/HEDNO (in cooperation with the Network User Department-NUD and the Information Technology & Telecommunications Department-ITTD)

Type of survey:

Repeated annually


Investigation of the satisfaction level of consumers served under the “Guaranteed Services” programme in 2021 (G.S. population: 686,524).

Type and method:

Quantitative survey requesting the completion of a structured questionnaire developed in a digital application, the link for which is sent to the consumer’s e-mail address.


All Medium and Low Voltage consumers participating in the “Guaranteed Services” programme, who are properly registered in the Company’s computer applications.

Survey area:

The entire country (territory)

Initial Sample:

24,500 of the served consumers whose e-mail accounts had been recorded in the Company’s computer applications. Response ~9%

Final sample:

2,369 consumers from the initial sample who filled in the questionnaire, through the dedicated platform developed in cooperation with the Information Technology & Telecommunications Department

Survey period:

 01-23 April 2022


SS-S9 Customer grievance management mechanism

Grievance management
At HEDNO, grievances and requests for information are handled either through the call center (800 400 4000 - 11500 – 2111900500 ) or through the application “Grievance System” where any submissions in writing are registered and processed.
Each customer-user of the Network has the opportunity to submit in writing their grievance or request to the Company, which undertakes to reply within a specified time period. Grievances-requests for information registered in the application “Grievance Monitoring” are those that are submitted:
• online, via e-mail
• online, via the contact form on HEDNO's website
• via a standardised form-document that is available at the Service Units
• by sending a Fax.
The management of written grievances and requests is included in the Guaranteed Services Programme implemented by HEDNO, which is why HEDNO undertakes to reply within:
1. 15 working days if the request or grievance does not require an on-site visit by HEDNO's technicians,
2. 20 working days if the request or grievance requires an on-site visit by HEDNO's technicians,
3. 30 working days if the request or grievance refers to Voltage quality.
In case where the Company fails to respond within the specified time limits, it is obliged to pay the customer an amount., as determined in the relevant decisions of the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE).